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Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

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Rhinoplasty, performed by Dr. Manuel Lopez, is a surgical procedure that enhances the shape, size, and symmetry of your nose. It addresses both cosmetic concerns and functional issues like breathing difficulties, correcting imperfections such as bumps, asymmetry, or deviations. This surgery can significantly boost your confidence and improve nasal function.

Reshape Your Nose
for Improved Harmony

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose to improve its appearance and function. Dr. Lopez makes small incisions inside the nostrils or across the base of the nose to access the underlying bone and cartilage. He then sculpts these structures to achieve the desired shape, enhancing facial harmony. Rhinoplasty can correct issues such as a dorsal hump, a crooked nose, or nasal tip irregularities.

Rhinoplasty Treats:

  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Dorsal humps (bumps on the bridge of the nose)
  • Wide or narrow nostrils
  • Crooked or off-center nose
  • Nasal tip deformities (bulbous, drooping, or upturned tip)
  • Breathing difficulties (due to structural issues)
  • Nasal deviations (such as a deviated septum)
  • Post-traumatic nasal deformities
  • Congenital nasal defects
  • Nasal width issues at the bridge or nostrils

Types of Rhinoplasty

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty involves a small incision across the columella, the tissue between the nostrils, providing the surgeon with full access to the nasal structures. This is preferred for complex cases requiring significant reshaping or structural adjustments. By lifting the nasal skin, the surgeon can precisely modify the bone, cartilage, and soft tissues. This is ideal for extensive nasal tip work, correcting asymmetry, and performing revisions of previous surgeries.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, involves incisions made entirely within the nostrils, leaving no visible external scars. This is suitable for patients requiring moderate adjustments, such as refining the nasal tip or removing a dorsal hump. The surgeon works through the nostrils to access and reshape the nasal structures, leading to less tissue disruption and a quicker recovery time compared to open rhinoplasty.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic rhinoplasty focuses on enhancing the aesthetic appearance of the nose. This procedure addresses concerns such as the size, shape, and symmetry of the nose to achieve a harmonious facial balance. Common cosmetic adjustments include refining a bulbous tip, straightening a crooked nose, narrowing wide nostrils, and smoothing out a dorsal hump. Patients often seek cosmetic rhinoplasty to improve their overall facial aesthetics.

Functional Septoplasty

Functional septoplasty aims to correct structural issues within the nasal septum that impede normal breathing. This type of surgery often involves straightening a deviated septum, which can obstruct airflow through the nasal passages. By addressing these functional problems, the surgeon improves the patient’s ability to breathe through the nose. Functional septoplasty may also alleviate issues such as chronic nasal congestion, snoring, and sleep apnea.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty corrects issues arising from previous nasal surgeries, addressing both cosmetic and functional problems that may not have been adequately resolved or have resulted in complications. This type of rhinoplasty is often more complex due to the presence of scar tissue, altered anatomy, and reduced available cartilage. The surgeon must carefully plan and execute the procedure to restore both the function and appearance of the nose.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty:

  • Achieves better balance and proportion between the nose and other facial features
  • Boosts self-esteem by providing a more aesthetically pleasing nose
  • Resolves structural problems that cause breathing difficulties, improving nasal airflow
  • Corrects birth defects or abnormalities for a more natural appearance
  • Repairs nasal damage from injuries, restoring both function and aesthetics
  • Provides permanent improvements, with results lasting a lifetime
  • Helps reduce or eliminate snoring by correcting nasal obstructions
  • Achieves a more symmetrical nose, enhancing overall facial symmetry
  • Scarring is minimal and often hidden within the nostrils or along natural creases

Candidates for Rhinoplasty:

  • Are dissatisfied with the size, shape, or symmetry of their nose
  • Have breathing difficulties due to structural issues
  • Want to correct congenital defects or deformities
  • Have realistic expectations about the results
  • May have suffered nasal injuries that need repair
  • Should be in good health with no serious medical conditions
  • Want to enhance facial harmony and aesthetics
  • Have reached full nasal maturity (typically around age 16-18)
  • Can commit to following pre- and post-operative care instructions
  • Should not smoke or be willing to quit before and after surgery

Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

During your rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Lopez will begin by administering anesthesia to ensure your comfort. Depending on your specific needs, he will choose either an open or closed approach. In an open rhinoplasty, Dr. Lopez makes a small incision across the columella, providing full access to the nasal structures. In a closed rhinoplasty, all incisions are made within the nostrils, leaving no visible scars. He will then carefully reshape the bone and cartilage, addressing any cosmetic concerns or functional issues, such as a deviated septum or nasal asymmetry.

Once Dr. Lopez has achieved the desired adjustments, he will reposition the nasal skin and tissue and close the incisions with fine sutures. You may have a splint placed on your nose to support and protect the new shape during the initial healing phase. Dr. Lopez will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you manage swelling and ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can return to normal activities within a few weeks.

Rhinoplasty Before & After

Real Patient Before / After Photos*


Rhinoplasty Recovery & Aftercare

After your rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Lopez will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Initially, you may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which are normal parts of the healing process. Dr. Lopez may place a splint on your nose to protect it and maintain its new shape. It is essential to keep your head elevated and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. You should avoid strenuous activities and follow a light diet to aid your recovery.

Within the first week, Dr. Lopez will likely remove any external sutures and the nasal splint. Swelling and bruising will gradually subside over the next few weeks. While you can return to work and light activities after about two weeks, it is crucial to avoid any activities that could impact your nose. Final results will become more apparent over several months as the swelling completely resolves, revealing your refined nasal shape. Regular follow-up appointments will ensure your recovery progresses smoothly.

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Schedule Your Consultation
With Dr. Lopez

Dr. Manuel Lopez is a board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon with extensive training, including a residency at the University of Cincinnati and a fellowship at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He aims to provide you with exceptional care and deliver natural, harmonious results that enhance your facial aesthetics and improve your quality of life. Whether you’re considering rhinoplasty for cosmetic or functional reasons, schedule your consultation with Dr. Lopez to discuss your goals and explore your options.

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